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The PatchCamelyon benchmark is an image classification dataset with 327,680 color images (96 x 96px) extracted from histopathologic scans of lymph node sections. Each image is annotated with a binary label indicating presence of metastatic tissue.

Raw data

Key stats

Modality Vision (WSI patches)
Task Binary classification
Cancer type Breast
Data size 8 GB
Image dimension 96 x 96 x 3
Magnification (μm/px) 10x (1.0) *
Files format h5
Number of images 327,680 (50% of each class)

* The slides were acquired and digitized at 2 different medical centers using a 40x objective but under-sampled to 10x to increase the field of view.


The data source provides train/validation/test splits

Splits Train Validation Test
#Samples 262,144 (80%) 32,768 (10%) 32,768 (10%)


The PatchCamelyon data from zenodo is organized as follows:

├── camelyonpatch_level_2_split_train_x.h5.gz               # train images
├── camelyonpatch_level_2_split_train_y.h5.gz               # train labels
├── camelyonpatch_level_2_split_valid_x.h5.gz               # val images
├── camelyonpatch_level_2_split_valid_y.h5.gz               # val labels
├── camelyonpatch_level_2_split_test_x.h5.gz                # test images
├── camelyonpatch_level_2_split_test_y.h5.gz                # test labels

Download and preprocessing

The dataset class PatchCamelyon supports downloading the data during runtime by setting the init argument download=True.

Note that in the provided PatchCamelyon-config files the download argument is set to false. To enable automatic download you will need to open the config and set download: true.

Labels are provided by source files, splits are given by file names.


  author       = {B. S. Veeling, J. Linmans, J. Winkens, T. Cohen, M. Welling},
  title        = {Rotation Equivariant CNNs for Digital Pathology},
  month        = sep,
  year         = 2018,
  doi          = {10.1007/978-3-030-00934-2_24},
  url          = {}


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