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Offline vs. online evaluations

In this tutorial we run eva with the three subcommands predict, fit and predict_fit, and take a look at the difference between offline and online workflows.

Before you start

If you haven't downloaded the config files yet, please download them from GitHub.

For this tutorial we use the BACH classification task which is available on Zenodo and is distributed under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.

To let eva automatically handle the dataset download, you can open configs/vision/dino_vit/offline/bach.yaml and set download: true. Before doing so, please make sure that your use case is compliant with the dataset license.

Offline evaluations

1. Compute the embeddings

First, let's use the predict-command to download the data and compute embeddings. In this example we use a randomly initialized dino_vits16 as backbone.

Open a terminal in the folder where you installed eva and run:

EMBEDDINGS_ROOT=./data/embeddings/dino_vits16_random \
eva predict --config configs/vision/dino_vit/offline/bach.yaml

Executing this command will:

  • Download and extract the BACH dataset to ./data/bach (if it has not already been downloaded to this location). This will take a few minutes.
  • Compute the embeddings for all input images with the specified FM-backbone and store them in the EMBEDDINGS_ROOT along with a manifest.csv file.

Once the session is complete, verify that:

  • The raw images have been downloaded to ./data/bach/ICIAR2018_BACH_Challenge
  • The embeddings have been computed and are stored in ./data/embeddings/dino_vits16_random/bach
  • The manifest.csv file that maps the filename to the embedding, target and split has been created in ./data/embeddings/dino_vits16/bach.

2. Evaluate the FM

Now we can use the fit-command to evaluate the FM on the precomputed embeddings.

To ensure a quick run for the purpose of this exercise, we overwrite some of the default parameters. Run eva to fit the decoder classifier with:

N_RUNS=2 \
LR_VALUE=0.1 \
eva fit --config configs/vision/dino_vit/offline/bach.yaml

Executing this command will:

  • Fit a downstream head (single layer MLP) on the BACH-train split, using the computed embeddings and provided labels as input.
  • Evaluate the trained model on the validation split and store the results.

Once the session is complete:

  • Check the evaluation results in logs/dino_vits16/offline/bach/<session-id>/results.json. (The <session-id> consists of a timestamp and a hash that is based on the run configuration.)
  • Take a look at the training curves with the Tensorboard. Open a new terminal, activate the environment and run:
    tensorboard --logdir logs/dino_vits16/offline/bach

3. Run a complete offline-workflow

With the predict_fit-command, the two steps above can be executed with one command. Let's do this, but this time let's use an FM pretrained from ImageNet.

Go back to the terminal and execute:

N_RUNS=1 \
LR_VALUE=0.1 \
EMBEDDINGS_ROOT=./data/embeddings/dino_vits16_pretrained \
eva predict_fit --config configs/vision/dino_vit/offline/bach.yaml

Once the session is complete, inspect the evaluation results as you did in Step 2. Compare the performance metrics and training curves. Can you observe better performance with the ImageNet pretrained encoder?

Online evaluations

Alternatively to the offline workflow from Step 3, a complete evaluation can also be computed online. In this case we don't save and track embeddings and instead fit the ML model (encoder with frozen layers + trainable decoder) directly on the given task.

As in Step 3 above, we again use a dino_vits16 pretrained from ImageNet.

Run a complete online workflow with the following command:

N_RUNS=1 \
LR_VALUE=0.1 \
eva fit --config configs/vision/dino_vit/online/bach.yaml

Executing this command will:

  • Fit a complete model - the frozen FM-backbone and downstream head - on the BACH-train split. (The download step will be skipped if you executed Step 1 or 3 before.)
  • Evaluate the trained model on the val split and report the results

Once the run is complete:

  • Check the evaluation results in logs/dino_vits16/offline/bach/<session-id>/results.json and compare them to the results of Step 3. Do they match?
  • You might have noticed that the online run took considerably longer than the offline run. Do you understand why that is?