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The BCSS (Breast Cancer Semantic Segmentation) consists of extracts from 151 WSI images from TCGA, containing over 20,000 segmentation annotations covering 21 different tissue types.

Raw data

Key stats

Modality Vision (WSI extracts)
Task Segmentation - 22 classes (tissue types)
Data size total: ~5GB
Image dimension ~1000-3000 x ~1000-3000 x 3
Magnification (μm/px) 40x (0.25)
Files format .png images / .mat segmentation masks
Number of images 151
Splits in use Train, Val and Test


The data is organized as follows:

├── rgbs_colorNormalized       # wsi images
│   ├── TCGA-*.png
├── masks                      # segmentation masks
│   ├── TCGA-*.png             # same filenames as images 

Download and preprocessing

The BCSS dataset class doesn't download the data during runtime and must be downloaded manually from links provided here.

Although the original images have a resolution of 0.25 microns per pixel (mpp), we extract patches at 0.5 mpp for evaluation. This is because using the original resolution with common foundation model patch sizes (e.g. 224x224 pixels) would result in regions that are too small, leading to less expressive segmentation masks and unnecessarily complicating the task.


As a test set, we use the images from the medical institues OL, LL, E2, EW, GM, and S3, as proposed by the authors. For the validation split, we use images from the institutes BH, C8, A8, A1 and E9, which results in the following dataset sizes:

Splits Train Validation Test
#Samples 76 (50.3%) 30 (19.9%) 45 (29.8%)


The BCSS dataset is held under the CC0 1.0 UNIVERSAL license.